Friday, January 15, 2010


So I've been playing a LOT of games lately, now that I finally own a PS3.
Here are my thoughts thus far:

Batman: Arkham Asylum
GREAT game.  It totally makes you feel like Batman, with great predatory stealth action, awesome fist-fighting action, and extremely fun detective work and exploration.  What's even better is that it takes inspiration from the best parts of the Batman animated series, comics, and movies, creating a kind of combined mythos that's a lot of fun to play through.
This is one game that I'll keep forever.

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune:
Awesome cinematic storyline, great adventure-style combat, and fun platforming puzzles.  My only gripe is that the combat gets very very repetitive, and can be frustrating at times.  Then again, it might just be because I'm using a terrible old TV that makes details hard to see.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2:

X-Men Origins: Woverine:
This may be the bloodiest, most visceral game I've ever played.  It's just guilty fun.  There's not a whole lot besides endless combat, but hey, that's not so bad.

God of War:
Ehh.  It's supposed to be one of the best action games ever made, but I can't tell. I can't stand the fact that you basically play as a bad guy the whole time.  It's just not my thing.

Prince of Persia:
Lots of fun, though its limitations start to become readily visible after the first couple hours.  Repetitiveness is an issue as well.

Modern Warfare 2:
Great.  Just great.  Waaaaaaay more fun than it has any right to be.

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