Friday, June 12, 2009

Growing Up

Everyone's got something they grew up with; something that defined their childhood, and, therefore, defined them as people. Sports, dancing, music, art, etc.
For me, it was Star Trek.
And Star Wars.
And Superman.
But we're talking about Star Trek here.

Star Trek was something in my blood. Both my mom's dad and my dad's mom were huge Trek fans, and their fandom easily spread down the genetic line to me. Trek is an ideal; the ultimate expression of that heroic "we will prevail" nature of the human spirit. While highly idealized and somewhat humanistic, Trek is still something special. It calls upon its viewers to put aside their differences and work towards a better future. (Or, alternatively, to blow the living hell out of whatever alien is in the way. Whichever works best)
There's something odd about a well-told Trek story that makes me feel like a giddy five-year-old. A good space battle can gently rock me to sleep like a baby. (though from what I've heard, babies don't actually sleep peacefully for very long, so that phrase really doesn't make sense, does it?)

Lately I've been looking through the list of Trek episodes and reminiscing about the way I viewed those stories as a child. Now that I'm older and more self-aware, I'm actually learning a lot about myself as a person by studying those stories and comparing my beliefs to the ideals portrayed in those not-so-subtle moral tales. I don't always agree with Trek's messages (a little too much political correctness and general liberalism for me), but a lot of it is still very uplifting. It's that concept of hope for a better future. Space travel, world peace, and photon torpedoes.
In the last year, I've had to deal with a lot of challenges to the truths that I hold dear. With seemingly everything and everyone screaming at me to give in to the world's ways, it's only when I take a stand for those standards and beliefs that I can actually see things clearly. Star Trek is one of those rare stories that makes me think for myself; to examine what I truly believe about the way things are and the way I should act.

Make no mistake: I don't confuse Trek or anything else of its kind with reality. If it came down to something (or someone) important, I'd throw away everything that has unfortunately come to define me.
But, as a fictional story and an ideal, Star Trek is pretty awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Really neat post. I wasn't really a "Trekkie" until a few weeks ago, but I still know what you mean.
